
We welcome everyone to our growing community no matter what you believe or who you love. Newcomers to our weekly worship services will find thoughtful reflection, joyful music, and spiritual challenges. We hope to see you at the Fellowship soon!

Location: Our service is conducted in person each Sunday at the Church of the Ascension (Episcopal) Fellowship Hall, located at 21641 Great Mills Rd, Lexington Park, MD 20653, and on zoom.

Enter from the upper (small) parking lot next to the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s office.  If there is no greeter at the door, ring the doorbell and the greeter will meet you to direct you to the left to enter the Fellowship Hall. .

You may also park in the lower (larger) parking lot next to Kenny’s Flowers. There is a long sidewalk leading up the hill and past the main church entrance to the small parking lot and the double glass door entrance described above.  We request for everyone to be mindful that the upper parking lot should be reserved for first time visitors and anyone with a need for an accessible entrance and a shorter path into the space.

If you are unable to attend in person you can join our hybrid service via the zoom link on  the Congregational News page.

When: The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Southern Maryland meets every Sunday at 10:00 AM for worship services, recommended for ages 11 through Adult. On the first Sunday in September, we hold our annual Labor Day Picnic off site to start the new church year.

Our nursery/preschool and an elementary age religious education class meet several times a month during the worship service. Parents meet monthly via zoom to plan the teaching schedule.

Accessibility: Our worship space is fully accessible from the upper (small) parking lot.   A ramp from this upper parking lot to the double door entrance allows entry to an elevator to access the upstairs children’s classrooms.

What to wear: Some people like to dress up for church, but jeans and T-shirts are not uncommon. Wear what makes you comfortable in this setting.

What to expect: Our services generally follow a traditional Protestant format with hymns, readings from inspirational texts, and a sermon. Service Leaders include members and friends of the Fellowship, as well as occasional guest speakers. Sometimes, though, we dance or walk a candlelit Solstice spiral of evergreens. At the beginning of our services, we light the chalice, which has been a symbol of Unitarian Universalism since the consolidation of Unitarians and Universalists in 1961.

Need more information? Contact us at info.UUFSM@gmail.com or message on Facebook at UUFSM