Children’s Program

     Chalice Children (Nursery/Preschool for Ages 0-Kindergarten)
Babies younger than 6 months can stay with their families during the service. Parents can step out and into the nursery if the child begins to disrupt the worship experience of others.
Our nursery/preschool is a cooperative effort of parents, who organize the classroom with the support of a volunteer Religious Educator and take turns teaching in pairs from UU preschool curricula.  The classroom is currently open several times per month. Contact the Board Chair for more information about the schedule. Kids of any age are welcome in this class; the parent-teachers are committed to tailoring the content for the enjoyment and education of all participants. Parents of new children are welcome to stay until the child is comfortable in the new surroundings. For preschool and kindergarten children, stories, crafts and cooperative games help them feel part of their Unitarian Universalist community and expand understanding of the faith and practices of Unitarian Universalism – its people, buildings, rituals, and celebrations. Topics affirm the inherent worth and beauty of self, family, community, and human diversity. The children are taught to see themselves as members of one “rainbow race” with the same human rights and needs. They discover and explore their feelings about themselves and the community of which they are a part, and celebrate world holiday traditions.


  Spirit Play (Kindergarten and up)
The Spirit Play children meet with the Nursery/Preschoolers for a greeting and sharing time and then split away into their own class.  At the end of class time, they return to the Nursery/Preschool for to share in the closing circle for all the children.

Spirit Play is taught in a Montessori style classroom where the children hear and tell stories of our Unitarian Universalist faith, making meaning through wondering and art within the values and culture of Unitarian Universalism. The class fosters a spiritual community of children, where each child’s unique learning style is valued and supported. The Stories use inclusive language and include our Seven UU Principles (called promises in this class), UU liturgical lessons and worship traditions, and the Six Sources of our faith:
* Transcendent wonder and awe inspired by the “spirit of life” known by many names
* Wisdom in historical world religions and in native and earth-centered traditions
* Traditional stories specific to our Jewish and Christian heritages
* Words and deeds of women and men who use justice, compassion and love to build a better world
* Humanist teachings that heed the guidance of reason and the results of science
* The interdependent web and our part in it
Spirit Play helps children find a religious language that they can use to explore existential questions such as: Who am I?; Where did I come from?; What is my purpose?; What are my gifts?; How do I choose to live my life?; What happens when I die?; Why am I lonely and sad sometimes?


Teen/Adult Programs

We offer a small group (Soul Circle*) where adults can connect to one another in thoughtful discussion, and we announce other classes for adult faith development several times in the course of the year. We also announce opportunities for our members and friends to make connections with the wider Unitarian Universalist community by participating in the adult RE programming of a larger Maryland congregation via zoom.  For more information, contact the Board Chair or Jackie Triplett.

While there is not currently a formal program in place for teens, the congregation has always found ways to ensure teenagers are recognized as valued participants during discussions at the regular worship services.


Got questions? Speak with the Board Chair or any lay leader during our weekly Coffee Hour. Newcomers are encouraged to attend an Inquirer Class which will be scheduled to accommodate interested persons.


The “Lamp Lighters” Soul Circle
*Soul Circles are a way to meet other members and friends of UUFSM and engage in meaningful discussions in a small group setting. Participants meet twice each month, either in person or on zoom. For more information, contact the Board Chair or Jackie Triplett.