Some of our many long-standing traditions include:

Ingathering and Water Ceremony
Each person brings a small vial of water from a summer place that was calming or spiritually important to them; the waters are commingled in a communal bowl and used later in child dedication ceremonies.

Blessing of the Animals
A celebration of all God’s creatures. People bring cats, dogs, goats, chickens, mice, lizards, and photos or plush toy representations of horses and other beloved pets.

Candles for Transgender Day of Remembrance
We honor the memory of those whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence.

Solstice Spiral Service
A quiet evening service with candles, songs and holiday treats. A joyous celebration.

We dance the May Pole for fun and jump over the fire for good luck.

Earth Day Booth
A creative presentation in support of the environment, sustainability, and the interdependent web of life.

Easter Hat Parade
On Easter Sunday, it’s a UUFSM tradition to wear festive headgear. A children’s Easter egg hunt follows the service.

Southern Maryland PRIDE
Annual event in Solomon’s with a rally followed by a march, with music, food and friends.

Flower Ceremony
Bring a flower to place on the Chalice Table and leave with a different flower in celebration of the diversity of flowers, people, skills, talent and beauty among ourselves and around the world.