
Sunday Service June 23 – Annual Flower Ceremony: The Center of Eternity

  This Sunday we celebrate our annual multigenerational Flower Communion, proclaiming the depth of meaning and the broadness of love on which the foundations of our beloved community are built. This will be the 101st Flower Communion for Unitarian Universalism. Katy Boyd will read a sermon by Reverend Alison Miller of First Unitarian, Portland. Please … Continued

Sunday service, June 16 – Personal Renewal

This week, Gena Wade will share a John W. Gardner essay called “Personal Renewal.” Given as a speech when Gardner was 88, this essay offers observations and advice about learning, growing up as we age, accepting challenges and taking risks, motivation, lifelong vitality, and the meaning of life. Please join us! Remote attendees can always … Continued

Sunday Service, June 9 – Solitude for Renewal

We will be continuing with the June theme of renewal with a sermon from Asia Lenae on the necessity of solitude for growth. Eva Miller will lead our service. Remote attendees can always join our service by following the Zoom link below. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 978 8525 1657 Passcode: 884254

Sunday Service, June 2 – The Gift of Renewal

  We hope everyone is enjoying the Spring rains that have fallen recently! Our worship theme for June is “The Gift of Renewal.” Jackie Triplett will read a sermon by Rev. Darcey Laine from the UU Church of Cortland, NY who says it is “…a sermon on Ezekiel, dry bones, a blooming amaryllis, the gift … Continued

Sunday service, May 19 – Pluralism on Pentacost: a UU View

Pluralism on Pentacost: a UU View, by Gena Wade. This week, we will talk about religious pluralism—what it is, why it matters, and what committing to religious pluralism calls us to do, as members of a liberal faith community.  And learning a bit about the Pentecost observance, too, can help us in this conversation!   … Continued

Sunday Service, May 12 – Founding Mothers of UU

  This week, in honor of Mother’s Day, we will be hearing the words of some of the founding mothers of Unitarian Universalism and learning about the role of women in shaping our faith as it is today. Please join us! Remote attendees can always join our service by following the Zoom link below. Join … Continued

Sunday Service, April 21 – Earth Day: Dirt Communion

To commemorate Earth Day, we will celebrate our first ever Dirt Communion. To participate, please bring a cupful of soil from your home—whatever “home” means to you.  This can be soil from your garden, a park, or other place that is important to you: a little bit of the soil where you find your peace, … Continued

Sunday Service, April 14 – Interdependence exploration

This week, we will continue our exploration of the Interdependence theme with a sermon on the topic “Awakening to Life: dropping the veil of separation” by the Buddhist philosopher Jeremy Lent. Attendees online can join each week at the link below. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 978 8525 1657 Passcode: 884254