January 2025 newsletter available
Check out our January newsletter for congregational activities as we start 2025! https://gansub.com/t/pm/6197326829785/
Check out our January newsletter for congregational activities as we start 2025! https://gansub.com/t/pm/6197326829785/
Join us in person or on zoom for a message of love and resistance by the Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter, presented by Jackie Triplett. In his sermon, delivered the Sunday after election day in November 2024 and entitled “A Love of Liberty,” Rev. Kanter reminds us that even in the face of despair, love endures. … Continued
At our IllUUmination service, we use a table of lights to reflect on the ways that religious and humanist traditions celebrate light in the bleak midwinter. We will honor the coming solstice at a special evening service on Saturday, and at our Sunday service we shall reflect on the many ways people have celebrated light … Continued
Our Winter Solstice Service is a special event on Saturday, December 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Church of the Ascension Fellowship Hall, Lexington Park MD. Join us for story-telling, poetry, music, and a walk around a candle-lit spiral made of boughs of greenery as we share in the wonder of light in the darkness. … Continued
Recognizing the “wonder of Christmas” is often recommended as the antidote for holiday blues. But what is wonder, anyway? And how does it figure into religion, specifically Unitarian Universalism? And how do we go about being present for wonder? Gena Wade will lead our service. Remote attendees, join at the link below: https://zoom.us/j/97885251657?pwd=OUgwbm9BODh0MGl2bnpOYmJabVllQT09 Meeting … Continued
Neurotheology is a multidisciplinary field of scholarship seeking to understand the relationship between the human brain and religion. In a sermon by the Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig, we explore the question, “If scientists can describe how spiritual experiences result in predictable changes in the brain, does that mean these experiences aren’t real?” Remote attendees, join at … Continued
The theme for the month of December is Presence. We will begin to explore it this Sunday with the sermon “Tis the Season to be Mindful” by Rev. Sandra Fees, read by Eva Miller. This sermon will discuss strategies for being present and appreciating the moments around us, even during the stress of a busy … Continued
On this Sunday before Thanksgiving, we are called by our values to look critically at many of the “first Thanksgiving” myths that we’ve been taught. Listening to indigenous voices is a good first step. Jackie Triplett will lead our service. If you haven’t already, please bring a donation of food to support the Church of … Continued
UUFSM is pleased to welcome guest speaker Rev. Patricia Haresch, who brings us a service on Wounded Words. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” In introducing the notion of “wounded words,” the Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove reminds us that “words can and do hurt, sometimes as much … Continued
This Sunday, we will continue with the November theme of Repair through the sermon “Please, Thanks, Oops, Wow” by Rev. Dana Worsnop, read by Eva Miller. This sermon looks at repairing our own relationship with the art of prayer, and different approaches to the practice that can help people in their daily lives. Remote … Continued
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