Hybrid Service – January 1st, 2023

This week we will be visiting the UU church in Blacksburg VA, which is using the worship package “Soul Matters”, to which we recently subscribed. As we are not able to share our screen for a zoom link, please watch the service with us at the Church of the Ascension. If you can’t make it in, watch from home on the UU Blacksburg link.

From Blacksburg:
All are welcome to our dual-platform worship service either in person or via this Zoom link. Welcome the New Year and winter gifts by participating in this “cozy church” or “slipper Sunday” service for all ages – wear your pajamas, robes, slippers, sweatpants, or your regular church clothes: whatever makes you feel the most comfortable and cozy. Blankets and stuffed animals are welcome! We will be talking about the importance of the hearth, as well as the hearth within, our spiritual center, drawing upon teachings from Jewish tradition and others. Stay following the service for coffee and conversation. Those on Zoom are invited to stay following the service for conversation in breakout rooms with your UUC community.

Service YouTube Link: https://zoom.us/j/510469220?pwd=Mlk0UGJDMmk2a3d3N0pDNktZdmJ3QT09

Coffee Hour Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/91447209490

Meeting ID: 914 4720 9490
One tap mobile:
+13017158592,,91447209490# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,91447209490# US