When we gather, we will look at our congregation’s fiscal health and determine, together, our fiscal priorities in the coming year. This is sacred work.
I look forward to each of our critical examination and thoughtful input into the discussion.
Consider in the meanwhile, that during this time of unknowing, of emergence, the following 9 ideas, or ways of looking at things.
1. Change is constant.
2. Small is good, small is all.
3. What you pay attention to grows.
4. We move at the speed of trust. When we reach critical trust we have critical mass.
5. Never failure, always a lesson.
6. There is always enough time for the right work.
7. Trust one another and we become trustworthy.
8. There is always a conversation in the room that only these people can have. Find the conversation.
9. Less preparation and explanation and more presence.
Thank you,
Lisa Napier
President Board of Trustees is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Budget Town Hall
Time: May 2, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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